Books by Dr Jeff Davis
Dr. Jeff Davis
Dr Jeff Davis is President of Lordship Investments and Director of NWCOM. He has authored many books on topics of Christianity, Marriage, Sex, Dating, Finances, Sales, Insurance and Real Estate.
New Way Community Development Corporation (NWCOM) focuses on sharing the love of God to meet the needs of others by working with organizations that conduct cancer research, feeding the hungry and educating children across the world. See below some of the organizations we support.
Real Estate
Lordship Investments works with sellers and cash buyers across America bringing them together. The Davis Group Real Estate Team is a brokerage focusing on Southern California Real Estate.
Read our blogs on selected topics covering Christianity, Marriage, Sex, Dating, Real Estate, Insurance, Sales and Money Management.

Dr. Jeff Davis Books
Transform Your Life
Explore how one revelation can change your life forever
Books by Dr. Jeff

What is this website about?
This website offers books and resources by Dr. Jeff Davis. The books cover topics like Christianity, Marriage, Sex, Dating, Finances, Sales, Real
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Business Books Available
We offer books on real estate, becoming a real estate investor, finances, sales, insurance, and career success.
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The Davis Group Real Estate Team
Lordship Investments Inc
Organizations We Support
Make a difference wherever you can.

American Cancer Society

St Jude Hospital

Home for All Nations
Video Teachings
Spiritual Teachings to guide your life

Devotional Life
Developing a devotional life is essential for steady spiritual growth and development. The practice of prayer, meditation and reading the Scriptures prepares us to excel.
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Wake up to Win – Dr Jeff
Living by Faith
For we walk by faith, not by sight. We must learn the principles of living by faith so that our dreams can become our realities.
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God, the Bible and You – Dr Jeff
Spiritual Warfare
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God and helps us pull down strongholds. We must learn to overcome daily.
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Temptation – Dr Jeff
Overcoming Challenges
Speak to the mountain and it shall move. Speak to the challenges in your life, don’t speak about them only and watch them move.
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Speak to Your Problems – Dr Jeff
Is Seeking God Reserved for Sundays Only
There was a time when people attended Sunday School, went to Sunday service, attended Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services along with special services. People were used to going to church and a lot of their lives centered around the Word of God and God’s people.
This behavior fostered a belief in the importance of a relationship with God. People leaned on their relationship with the Lord to stay on track. They knew God in good times and had an assurance of His help during bad times.Now things have changed. The average Christian attends church 1 hour on Sunday. According to the Barna Institute, only 29% of Christians spend time reading God’s word daily. We have removed prayers from the public school and out of the government. Many have even removed Him from their homes.
Pastors are not helping to promote the power of prayer and seeking God as they should either. A cross denominational survey has brought to light some very revealing statistics about the prayer lives of many pastors today. The study shows 80% of pastors spend less than 15 minutes a day in prayer and 95% of pastors do not pray regularly with their wives. If the pulpit does not focus on prayer as the point of spiritual power, is it any wonder that the congregation is floundering in prayer power as well?
When we do not hear from God, it is because we have stopped talking to Him. God will not scream in our ears. He speaks in a soft voice for all who would hear him. When we think of conversing with God, we can compare it to talking to a friend. Many times, those conversations are spontaneous and vary depending on the day and how we feel. It’s the same way with God. He is not looking for a cookie cutter relationship with us. He wants to talk to us each day and to relate to us based on where we are.
The Bible says, “seek the Lord while He may be found”. This implies that there may come a day when we cannot find the Lord even if we wanted to seek Him. People need to look for the Lord whenever they think about him. Sundays are great to focus on but there are 6 other days we have as well. Look for Him every day and make it a great one!